Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Endangered Girl by Isaiah

There was a girl named Allison Wonder she was 13 years old in Jefferson Middle School. Allison would always go on the bus to school and home. One day she was on the bus after named Drake school and she noticed that the bus driver wasn’t acting like himself.  Then when the bus driver drove to her bus stop the bus driver said “ everyone get off the bus except Allison”. Then the bus driver started to drive away from her bus stop when Allison asked “ Umm… Drake where are you going” and the bus driver said “ say good to your parents”. Then Allison asked in a scared voice “Where are we going”. Then she woke up in the hospital the next morning with her whole family around her crying because she was in such bad condition, and when she woke up, she asked her mom “where’s the bus driver”. Then her mom said “he’s dead, he drove off a cliff with you in the bus and you neary survived” 

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